Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The “Pegasus Reunion” 15th October 2022
Seventy Years of The Pegasus Club Nottingham
The 2022 reunion was held at The Plough Inn, St. Peter’s Street, Radford, Nottingham; being the same venue as the 2019 and 2021 Gathering. It was feared last year that we may have had to find another new venue for the reunion as the brewery was up for sale and they owned the pub. The good news is that the brewery has survived, only moving to a new site and the pub remains in their ownership.
An invitation was sent out to over sixty people including some who live as far away as Canada, Panama, New Zealand, Australia, America and one who is part time in Hong Kong.
With Covid not now at the forefront of most peoples minds and all the wrinklies fully vaccinated, the turnout was a vast improvement on last years nineteen, with thirty two people in attendance. It would have been thirty three, as according to the landlady someone from Buxton had turned up the previous Saturday looking for The Pegasus.
Malc Debbage provided sustenance in the form of birthday cake to celebrate reaching 74 years of age.
The AGM was to be held at one o'clock but true to form it did not. It was agreed that there was little to say and all outstanding business was approved by some of the committee whilst standing drinking. I await the minutes of this meeting from the secretary with 'Bated Breath'.
Many thanks to all who attended and made this, the seventieth anniversary of The Club a great and enjoyable success!
Those in Attendance
Maggie Proctor, Ruth King, David Gough, Dave Epton, Malcolm Debbage, Victor Holland, Nigel Burns, Bob Holland, Barry Parker, Janet Parker, Ian Curphey, Julie Curphey, Sam Garrad, Andrew Walchester, Melvin Batchford, Cheg Chester, Aileen Chester, Kathryn Chester, Sue Harrison, Paul Thompson, Judith Thompson, Stuart McManus, Laurence Hurt, Bari Logan, Paul Reavill, Chris Coles, Betty Coles, Ceily Sudell, Barry Sudell, Patricia Adlington, Steve Watson, Trevor Roberts,
Cheg Chester