Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The Pegasus AGM 2001
The 2001 AGM of The Pegasus Club Nottingham took place at the Vat & Fiddle pub, Queensbridge Rd, Nottingham.
For those who survived the rapid pace of drinking at The Vat they made their way to 'The THurland Hall' a pub situated on the corner of Pelham Street and Thurland Street Nottingham.

The Vat and Fiddle

The Thurland Hall
The attached video was taken using David Gough's camera, operated by a person who can only be identified by their voice during the proceedings of the AGM.
The video may unfortunately have some advertisements attached to it due to the copyright infringement of the music being played in The Thurland Hall. It is a sad day when the clubs taste in music is lowered to Robbie Williams!
Those Present
Dave Briggs, Andy Walchester, Simon Halliday, Darren Hind, Martin Bishop, Lee Hollis, John Cooper, Sam Garrad, Pat Cronin, Malc Debbage, Cheg Chester, Pete Forster, Melvyn Bratt, Bob Holland, Malc Scothon, Paul Wheeldon, Kevin Wills, Dave Gough, Alan Steans, Mick Pritchett, Aileen Chester, Ceily Sudell, Barry Sudell, Paul Thompson & Dave Epton.
If you see anyone on the video who does not appear on the above list please let me, (Cheg Chester), know.