Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The Membership of the Pegasus Club, Nottingham.

1952 - 2025
According to legend, everywhere that Pegasus the winged horse struck with its hoof inspiration burst forth. He galloped over land and sea and his energy and curiosity knew no bounds.
When the founder members in 1950’s unanimously decided to name their newly formed club after the famous winged horse they did so, as club rumour has it, after seeing a logo on a cigarette packet!
Thus the new Pegasus myth began with the creation of a walking and mountaineering club that like the Pegasus of legend had energy and curiosity in abundance and a general feeling of optimism.
The 1950’s was a decade of tremendous change. It was a period of increased affluence after WW2 and a new era was emerging where women and men like our founder members could look forward to climbing and caving experiences that had previously been in the realms of a few. That is not to say it was easy. It is worth remembering that a trip to Derbyshire or anywhere else in Britain often assumed the status of an expedition, as transport, equipment and accommodation had to be considered using only public transport. The early club members were really leading the way when they organised their first club holiday in Austria and Italy.
A new era was emerging in the mid 1960’s when the Pegasus Club underwent a Renaissance with an influx of very keen and driven climbing and caving enthusiasts of no mean talent. These members formed a very solid and safe platform from which to branch out and as their “escapades” became known this in turn attracted more people of like mind in years to follow. Some of the 1960’s crowd are still extremely active while others maintain a special social interest still.
As caving gear was bulky and shared by the members, the Pegasus acquired a workmen’s hut in Peak Forest in Derbyshire in which to store it and rented a cottage in Dudwood Lane near Matlock. This meant that there was always somewhere to stay cheaply and eliminated the need to do a trip all in one day. The liberty to stay out for a whole weekend was also a draw to visiting clubs and new members. Many new friendships were forged at the Peak Forest hut which have endured to this day. The hut is no more. Dudwood Cottage is a mansion!
During its 70 odd year journey the Pegasus Club has had many associate members from Britain and abroad.
Inevitably a few have died but are remembered fondly.
We feel that there must be a section acknowledging associates who are people and characters who caved, climbed and mountaineered with the club and were often on the scene but never actually joined. They have added much to the ethos of the Pegasus Club.
Following is a list of people who are known to have been members of the Pegasus Club, Nottingham indicated in Yellow.
Founder members are indicated in Orange
Current members are indicated in Green.
Benefactor Members are indicated by (BM). ( Persons who have donated towards the website finances up till 2026 ).
Deceased members are indicated in Red.
Associate Members are indicated in Blue.
If you were an associate or member who does not appear on this list, your name can be added by contacting the Webmaster. See "Contacts" for details.
For a more detailed list, members & associates (past & present) may log in here.
Founder Members Current Members Benefactor Members Past Members Deceased Members Associates
Addison John
Adlington Pat (BM)
Allan Peter *
Allen Ken
Allen Rita
Amey Daniel *
Antcliffe Anc
August Les
Bacon J
Barnaby Charles
Bartlett Nathan (BM)
Batchford Melvin
Beardsley Steve
Beighton Colin Dr. *
Beckinsale Richard *
Bennett Tony
Bishop Martin *
Blanchard Larry
Blatherwick Grenville *
Bolger Terry *
Box Richard
Boycott Tony *
Bratt Melvin
Brooks Dave
Brown Peter
Briggs Dave
Briggs Phillip
Brindley Dave *
Bulmer M
Burns Nigel (BM)
Butterworth Martin
Carlisle ?
Casserly Aileen
Cast Mick *
Cast Patrica *
Chamberlain Andrew
Chadwick Janet
Cherverst Bill *
Chester Gerald *
Chester Stuart (BM)
Clark Gary
Cobbett James (BM)
Coles Chris (BM)
Coles G
Colley R
Collett Phil
Cooper G W *
Cooper John *
Cooper June
Compton D
Craven Bernard
Craven Sylvia
Cronin Patrick (BM)
Cross John
Cross Robert
Curphey Ian
Curphey Mary
Dakin Bob *
Dakin Jenny
Day Roger (BM)
Debbage Malcolm (BM)
Dempster Jack *
Dempster Michael
Dobson J
Dooley Angie
Dooley Colin
Dove Mike
Draycott Derek *
Duck Mike *
Durdey Michael
Eady Kelvin (BM)
Eaves Alan *
Eckford Pete
Edwards Mick
Epton David (BM)
Farmer Mike *
Fell John Jnr.
Fisk John
Fitzgerald Anne *
Ford Phillip
Forster Pete
Foster Paul *
Fowler Gary
Garrad Sam (BM)
Garrat John *
Garton Paul
Gilbert Tim *
Gill Dave
Gooday Chris
Gough David (BM)
Gough John
Gough Richard
Haggerty Jeanie
Hall Roger (BM)
Halliday Simon *
Hampshire Jill
Harrison Alan *
Hastilow Dig
Harvey Chris
Hayes John
Hazzeldine Pat
Herrod Paul
Hind Darren
Holland Bob
Holland Victor (BM)
Hollis Lee (BM)
Howes Simon
Hoyles Jenny
Huntington Anthony C
Hurt Laurence
Jackson Terry
James Ken
Jarratt Tony *
Jeanmaire Liz
Jeanmaire Mike *
Jones John
Kidd Hugh Dr *
Kidd Robert
Krause Mark
Lemaire Etienne *
Lewis Terry
Logan Bari (BM)
Lomax Allistair
Lowe Stuart
Lucas Dave *
Lucas Dave
Luigi Montimini *
Lumley Mark
Manson John
Mares Henry *
Marshall Tony
McGuiness Bill
McGrath Connor
McGrath Paul (BM)
McManus Marilyn
McManus Stuart
Mee Simon
Milner Steve
Muir Dave *
Mullane Cathal
Musson Johnny
Myers Catherine
Nash Kieth
Nelson John
Nelson Dave
Nicholson Peter (BM)
Nixon Dave
Nuthall Phil
Oates William
O'Connor Sean
Ollenshaw J
Page Steven
Parker Barrie
Passmore Phil
Patrick Ian
Perkins Anthony
Place Nicholas
Pritchett Mick
Pope Steven
Potter Linda
Proctor Bob *
Proctor Maggie
Randall Matt
Ranson Nigel *
Reavill Julie *
Reavill Paul
Redfern Simon
Revill Laurence
Reynolds Jim *
Richards Paul (BM)
Roberts Bruce
Roberts Ros
Roberts Trev
Rogers Roy
Rosentals J *
Russell Ray *
Savage J
Scothon Malcolm (BM)
Sheldon Steve
Skipper Sue
Smart James
Smeeton Edna
Smeeton Ernie *
Smith Aaron (BM)
Smith Caroline
Smith John *
Smith J
Smith M
Smith Pete *
Smith Russell *
Smith Wayne
Stables Derek
Standbridge Belinda
Staples Mark
Steans Alan (BM)
Steele Alan
Stokoe Desmond
Sudell Barry (BM)
Sudell Ceily
Sulonen Sulo *
Sutton Andrew
Sutton Nita
Taylor Janet
Taylor Jenny
Thompson Judith
Thompson Paul
Tipping Derek *
Titley Hugh
Toole Mike
Tyas Geoff
Walchester Andy (BM)
Walker Dave (BM)
Waltham Tony
Warny Jim
Watkinson Pete *
Watson Dean
Watson Steven
Watts Phil
Webb Peter
Weston C
Wheatley Terry *
Wheeldon Paul (BM)
Whitehouse Bill
Widdowson Margaret
Widdowson Terry *
Wicks Alan
Wildgoose Colin *
Wilkins Michael
Williams Frank *
Wills Kay (BM)
Wilton B
Workman Geoff
Wright Barbara (BM)
Wright Ian *
Wright G
Wright Jim
Wright Terry (BM)
Zachewicz Elzbieta (BM)