Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The “Pegasus Reunion” 12th October 2024

Showing thirteen old heads from a total of thirty
Seventy Two Years of The Pegasus Club Nottingham
The 2024 reunion was held on Saturday 12th October at the Plough Inn, Lenton, Nottingham, the same venue as the last few years. It was the first reunion I'd attended for 4 years as I now live part time in Hong Kong, choosing to winter in warmer climes. It certainly didn't seem that long ago, most of the usual suspects were there the stalwarts who turn up every year regardless. It was brilliant to catch up with older but still familiar faces, good company, good beer and good times recalled. There were some new attendees present this year, notably Diane & Keith Wilson . Diane was the daughter of one the Pegasus' founding fathers Ernest Smeeton. (see article) Diane brought with her a plethora of photo albums and diaries which provided valuable information and insight into days gone by, days far beyond the memories of even the oldest current members. Sadly Ernest passed away this year at the grand old age of 97, a remarkable innings. It is anticipated that a selection from Ernie's memorabilia will appear on the club website some time in the near future. We are grateful for Diane for bringing these to the reunion.

Diane & Keith Wilson with photo albums and diaries

Earnest Smeetons Club Badge, 1950,s
Also attending was Mike Dempster, the second generation of Pegasus Dempster members, I remember caving with Mike in the 90s. Also making a rare appearance was Paul Wheeldon, Paul left before I arrived, he had to attend the doctors and was on a somewhat tight time line. Everyone seemed in fine fettle, something to be appreciated, given the increasing age demographic of our group.
Looking forward to meeting up again next year.
Alan Steans
Attending the Pegasus Reunion is a double treat for me. Firstly, a chance to catch up with fellow potholers who, in the 1960’s manage to get down the now, 35th deepest cave in the world and secondly, the opportunity to meet up with my estranged wife, who still lives in Scotland, some 400 miles north of Base T, my hut in Wales! (The Parker's hospitality ensures we don’t lapse into a serious ‘domestic’!)
What is amazing is the fact that, although we old Berger men no longer meet up on a regular basis, our attitude to each other feels no different than when ventured underground with a ‘Dev’ hangover all those years ago.
A bonus for me is that Cheg seems to find old potholing treasures (clatch) for the ‘Berger Wall’ which dominates my living room.
I aim to survive to attend next year,
Ian Curphey
Older and greyer than last year,but it was still great to see old friends. Not a great deal of discussion on caving but a lot on new hips, knees and waterworks. We will all keep fighting in the hopes to see you all again, next year. Live every day as if it is your last, it could be.
Barrie Parker
It's not too late to have your say!

Afterwards, something to soak up the booze
Those in Attendance
Diane & Keith Wilson, Barrie & Janet Parker, Jud & Paul Thompson, Victor Holland, Andy Walchester, Sam Garrad, Malc Debbage, Bob Holland, Paul Reavill, Margaret Widdowson, Ruth King, David Gough, Ian & Julie Curphey, Melvin Batchford, Mick Edwards, Aileen & Cheg Chester, Maggie Proctor, Barry & Ceily Sudell, Kathryn Bingham, Dave Epton, Nigel Burns, Mike Dempster, Paul Wheeldon, Al Steans, Chris Coles & Laurence Hurt (32)