Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
4th October Poulbruíon
16:30. Sunset 19:06: Cloud 99%: Wind SE, F2/3: Visibility 30Nm: Temp 15°C: Rain Gauge 1mm: Ground damp: The Plan: continue with infrastructure. CC dropped over the other four wheels for the six wheeled dram, yesterday. Considered weather forecast; decided steal a march, as need dram to ensure correct gauge width. Carried up materials, tools and dram. With dram in place, swiftly secured rails. Secured north support of trap door; measurements taken to complete the trap door support frame. Enroute to truck light rain arrived: refreshing birthday gift.
Hours 2, (161).
Further to CC’s earlier phone call. Visiting Poulgorm, marine resurgence, likely best made on Friday, 18th October, midday, (Springs: LW, 11:58, 0.22m). Estimate the kilometre walk to the site will only take some fifteen minutes, from O’Donoghue’s, Fanore.
Pat Cronin
2nd October Cullaun II; Year Passage
18:00. Sunset 19:11: Cloud 95%: Wind NE, F4/5: Visibility 30Nm: Temp 12°C: Rain Gauge 0mm: Ground damp: The Plan: Exercise. On entering decided visit Year Passage streamway; last there about a decade ago with CC, in freezing conditions. However, had forgotten four facts. The superb aven. The beautiful sculpting. Very sharp scallops and a desperate need for knee pads. Managed thirty metres along the crawl section before pain overcame desire.
Pat Cronin
6th October Cahermore Souterrain CL016-052003 and Cashel, CL016-052001
14:00. Sunset 19:01: Cloud 85%: Wind SE, F4/5: Visibility 30Nm: Temp 14°C: Rain Gauge 11mm: Ground dry-ish: The Plan: Survey Cashel. SC was available: took opportunity of good weather break, to survey the Cashel; part of the souterrain study. Set up the plane table over established, temporary, site datum. A brief instruction of plane tabling, swiftly understood. PC could now wander the site, clockwise, measuring to chosen features. A significant amount of the cashel floor, up against the inner rampart face, long obscured by collapsed material. Am convinced this was once a source of building material. Remaining tumble extends up to an estimated three metres. Radial planning permitted a constant search for original features. Without SC’s assistance this survey would not have been conducted so comprehensively or swiftly. Her assistance invaluable. The serious aspects of precisely replicating measurements to paper, regularly interrupted by laughter. Weather almost held; so a grand day out. Final part of this part of surveying is the souterrain, tying it to the profile and plane table surveys.
Pat Cronin
14th October Poulbruíon
13:00. Sunset 18:43: Cloud 95%: Wind SE, F2/3: Visibility 30Nm: Temp 9°C: Rain Gauge 0mm: Ground damp: The Plan: infrastructure. Walked in from the Cross. Prefabricated the lid earlier, using some of the timber supplied by Toe Boycott. The design should permit safe hauling by one of a minimum of two operatives, avoiding spoil falling on the poor sod below. Arriving to surface the two halves of the lid will open with the rising load, closing as it passes through, the kibble then lowered onto the substantial frame awaiting emptying. Weighting the halves to close may likely require some tweaking. The ladder way also needs protection from any spoil spillage; the pallets’ position in the image may answer this.
Hours 2, (163).
Pat Cronin

Showing safety lid open

Showing safety lid closed
18th October Poulgorm, (intertidal resurgence?)
11:00. Spring tidal cycle: LW 11:58, 0.22m: Sunset 18:34: Cloud 100%, base 900ft: Wind E, veering S, F5, gusting F7: Visibility 2Nm: Temp 9°C: Rain Gauge 2mm: Ground damp: The Plan: locate resurgence. Map reference discrepancy required confirming if the source of an observed dark brown flood into the Atlantic was indeed from Poulgorm. Educated plotting proffered a location eight hundred,(800), metres west-south-west, on 258° True, from O’Donoghue’s. Arranged meet at O’Donoghue’s, Fanore, (ITM 513160 x 706470). Meanwhile, LS persuaded RM to accompany the search. Took the track, located on the west of the road, forty metres north of the Bar. The track ends at a northwest facing storm beach. Light rain began: headed south, passing out a small, seemingly long abandoned cluster of small cabins and haggarts; maybe six in total? Quite a moving location. Among them a ‘concrete’ rain catchment: maybe from the first half of the 20th century? Tended, grazed fields reach to the upper limits of storm beach. Modern fencing emphasises ownership. Inside an hour rain increased; lightly clad, soggy RM wisely abandoned the task. Five sites found issuing or likely to issue water were noted; all developed on NNW aligned joints, (342° True). A minor swell allowed a clear view of the rugged - broken intertidal zone; the more northern springs have small reefs before them. Some seaward channels differing in size of development - erosion. Approaching the headland, rain became torrential, the Force seven/eight wind veering south. Returning along the edge of the fields found significant two collapses, one recently backfilled with boulders. Both in line with an earlier recorded spring; a potential dig with potential! LS used his phone to record multiple map references of this unexpected number of sites. Such was the rain, boots filled swiftly from water running down the inside of the clothing. A cracking day out.
Pat Cronin
Poulgorm Map showing acccess route & Data
25th October Cullaun II
Linda Wilson, Graham Mullan, Janice Walker, PC & part of TB
10:00. Sunset 18:19: Cloud 99%, base 1000ft: Wind E, F4: Visibility 20Nm: Temp 16°C: Light showers. Gauge 31mm: Ground wet: The Plan: accompany UK visitors. Met in Doolin. Parking up encountered Lawrence Gill , Daughter and Pamela Gill. PM conducting a Masters study on scallops. Entrance cascade significant; suggesting high water at the Cascades. Just below toe cap deep stream along the entrance passage. Deep throated roar audible from afar. Cascade’s overflowing almost as far as the projecting thin boulder. Wonderful. Advised party any knee issue would hamper successfully climbing the rift downstream of the cascades, down which flowed the entire stream; suggested wait for flood to abate, say Sunday. LW took lots of photos. JW’s first trip in Ireland. Departed for Kilcorney Church. Kilcorney, Cave of the Wild Horses some five metres under water; the flooded depression shimmering in the sun. As requested, planted part of TB: a poignant moment. Dropped LW back at their B&B.
25th October Poulgorm – Sliabh Eilbhe Project.
15:00. Neap tidal cycle: HW 12:30, 3.89m. LW19:12, 1.98m. Range 1.91m. Met near O’Donoghue’s; briskly to the spring area. LS noticing the mirror surface of resurging water, (12 hours after 31mm of rain stopped). Fifty metres off the coast; LS used mobile phone to photograph and record other data requested by PC, to accurately establish its position; (to be ascertained). Walked to next spring, which may be the primary conduit for the resurging flow. At this point LS confirmed water issuing from among an upper bedding was fresh and entirely potable. More data recorded. Moved inland. PMcG encountered a large depression; a field enclosed by a circular wall, with stile in its east quarter. Established foliage covering the circumferential single stone wide wall testifies to an absence of ‘recent’ farming practices; colonized by briars LS spotted a farmer in the northern field, PC headed to engage; lengthy talk on various topics. During explaining the idea of finding cave, clearly heard the invite to dig and find cave: delight. A First! More talk, and confirmation that TK would advise his brother of these developments; that parking in their farmyard would be welcome, to access the land at large. Swiftly departed for a hot date with PMC.
Pat Cronin

25th to 28th October S.U.I.C.R.O.
The annual SUICRO Caving Symposium took place at Hotel Doolin in Doolin, Co. Clare. Pat Cronin delivered a two-part talk, enhanced with slides and video, on the 2020-2023 expeditions to Panama, which was followed by the Pegasus Projects presentation.
'Pegasus Projects'
1 Considine’s Cave, North and South Ends.
2. Sliabh Eilbhe Project (Southern Sector).
3. Sliabh Eilbhe Project (Northwestern Sector).
Pluais Gabhar.
4. Coolagh River Cave, B9a entrance.
This presentation highlighted the significant effort that the Pegasus Club put into finding new cave and furthering the knowledge base of all things speleological in Clare. During any questions after the talk one person asked Pat "Do you ever go home?".At times, I find myself pondering the same question.
Cheg Chester
26th October Bull Pot
BUT, Valley Entrance first. Sam and Aaron were off to Bull Pot in Kingsdale but spent an hour in Valley first. We rigged the short pitch in the master cave with an SRT route and explored ip stream fir 30 mins. Then off up and accross the fell to BPK.
It was a joint Pegasus and YSS trip.
Other groups were in Simpson's Pot, Growling Hole & Notts Pot.
YSS rigged the entrance pitch and the traverse into the second pitch and the slot.
Then off to the fourth pitch.
We went to the head of the fifth pitch before we started the derig. We passed the others as we entered the slot.
Everyone seemed to have a good time. Sunny and dry on the fell and then Sam and Aaron explored to inner workings of Yordas Cave. Our 3rd cave today!
Pegasus: Sam Garrad, Aaron Smith
Others: Dave, Ros, Alan, Julie, Lynn, Becky, Grace & Matty
Total underground time fir the day: About 4 hours
Aaron Smith
26th October Faunarooska
PMcG, using the pre-rigged rope on twenty metre pitch sustained a fall of three or so metres when the rope apparently broke a short distance below the knot belay. PMcG walked out with some assistance.
2nd November Poulbruíon
15:30. Sunset 17:03. Cloud 100%: Wind W, Fs: Visibility 25Nm: Temp 16°C: Gauge 1mm: Ground damp: The Plan: secure builders ladder. Lot of cars parked at the cross, and the ‘view’. Carried in tools and materials. Encountered 30+ walkers heading to Faunarooska Cross. At dig found spade to one side, not where it had been left; no other disturbance. Inserted 600mm length of 18mm rebar through ladder rung; secured same to platform floor. Secured lower end to shoring stemple. Bottom of ladder just above floor level, out the way of digging. Checked operation of lid, all good. Ready to press on with actual digging.
Hours 2, (165).
Fortunately PMcG nursing just an injured foot, after the SRT rope snapped on beginning his ascent in the wet pitch in Faunarooska. His fall, from around three metres up, was very ‘lucky’.
Pat Cronin
8th November Poulbruíon
10:00. Sunset 16:53. Cloud 100%, base 900ft: Wind E/SE, F4/6: Visibility 10Nm: Temp 12°C: Gauge 0mm: Ground damp: The Plan: Dig. Walked in from the Cross. Met MQ descending from the upland grazing. Thanked for sorting the busted fence post. CC digging, PC hauling. At a steady pace, CC sent up thirty small kibbles of heavy clays, exposing a compacted boulder floor. In the northeast corner, some 0.5m below the lowest northern stemple a hole was noted, some 0.6m deep descending to the northeast. Potentially linked to a similar space beneath the adjacent small, eastern rift. PC descended to assess installation of the next stemple. The fill below the northern stemple continues as assorted sized boulders; one perpendicular to the face, potentially an issue. East and West walls appear fine. Aspects of hauling and dumping spoil went well. The trapdoor is very useful, closing immediately after the passage of the kibble to protect the poor sod below from possible falling debris. Two small towels permit the hauler to maintain clean gloves, and wipe the hauling rope, thus making the rope easier to grip. A water storage cistern is needed. The entire shaft floor can be lowered a further 0.5m, allowing three stemples to be inserted, two to the north, one to the south. Spoil was dumped against the west wall of the depression, behind the revetment. Again, a much easier task with the small sized kibble, (Mk6), and a stable rock on which to stand.
Kibbles 30, Hours 3, (168).
Pat Cronin
11th November Poulbruíon
10:00. Sunset 16:48. Cloud 5%: Wind E, F2: Visibility 35Nm: Temp 10°C: Gauge 1mm: Ground drying: The Plan: Dig. Pleasant walk in, (≈1100m); cracking day. Used “Popeye’s” tape measure to establish depth from the working platform as 3.2m: some three metres below the moor surface, but 2.5m below adjacent depression level. CC digging, PC hauling. Stuck to the plan to remove sticky mud stuck to every surface. Steady progress produced thirty kibbles, (Mk.6) and four nets. Soil deposited along the west wall is close to the tramway. Ideally the wall below the rails should be built to contain the clays. Deployed the 2:1 to raise two large boulders. Clay migration is serious, gripping the rope. Glad the trapdoor was installed, catching two wayward loads. Each haul and emptying of the kibble required washing of migrated clay from hands and rope. Ideally a hand winch would keep silts from the rope. Meanwhile, brought back the three ‘towels’ for washing and the ten metre hauling rope. Will prepare two other ropes for onsite replacement as and when required. CC lowered the floor uniformly some 0.4m, leaving support to north and south faces. Reviewed installing shoring; plan insert two stemples, some 225mm below the lowest on either side. This gap allows rocks to be inserted for backpacking the steel mesh. The next stemple will be 300m lower; believe this spacing will satisfy lateral pressure; this stemple will likely be required after the next two sessions. Linda Wilson very kindly brought over some two dozen scaffold clips, curtesy of “Popeye”. PC has arranged for Matt Randall to buy scaffold clips in the UK, delivery with his next visit. Need water on site to 1) maintain clean gloved hands. 2) a brush to clean the working platform. Several large boulders will emerge as the stemples are fitted, may need 3:1 mechanical advantage. The sorely missed PMcG, yet awaiting repairs.
Kibbles 60, Nets 4, Hours 3, (168).
Pat Cronin
18th November Poulbruíon
14:30. Sunset 16:38. Cloud 100%; base 400ft: Rain, heavy: Wind E, F3/4: Visibility 20m: Temp 8°C: Gauge 18mm: Ground awash: The Plan: Install shoring. 14:30, another 7mm of rain had fallen, wrapped Hilti and Grinder in plastic bags. Opted to take just one battery. Tools and bits in a second tackle sac. Drenched by the second gate. The damp slope, the route of the tramway, into the depression, conveyed rivulets toward the southern shoring. Where it fell bounced down the shaft, off the stemples, creating a shower bath. Lowered all kit, one stemple and all the rebar. From surface stream rumble from eastern crevice clearly audible. Water noted trickling along the present base of the east wall, removing some rocks found a similar trickle on the west wall, flowing from the north face. Managed to drive four more rebar lengths into the northern face, among the boulders, resting upon the upper stemple. Removed the thick clay along the base, exposing the large boulder, protruding end on. After assessment, prised out an adjacent boulder to access the larger: minor collapse from above. Chain drilled boulder for controlled fracture using the sledge hammer. Successful, up to a point. Stacked stone debris against east wall, minor amount of clay against south face. Drilled 16mm hole and inserted 16mm bolt. Levelling the stemple, good luck allowed the stemple to pass between two other projecting boulders, at eastern end. Much phaffing about completed the second 16mm hole. More phaffing, owing to covered in mud and shite. Eventually secured installed stemple, at last: delighted. Left drill bits on site. Headed back in thick cloud, light rain. Ideally need lift the spoil to clear the area prior to repeating same to the south. Need return the hauling lines.
Kibbles 60, Nets 4, Hours 2, (176).
Pat Cronin
20th November Cullaun II
Fynn Randall, PC
18:00. Sunset 16:35. Cloud 100%. Wind ENE, F2/3: Visibility 2Nm: Temp 2°C: Gauge 2mm: Ground stiffing: The Plan: Another trip for FR, and exercise. Suggested SC to avoid attending, as her return trip to Kilkee may be challenging in the predicted weather. Promised deep snow for tomorrow. Arrived in light rain, which soon turned to light snow. At the entrance large snowflakes falling. Chose a brief trip, to avoid later road issues. Entrance stream suggested decent sized cascades. FR led off. Another pleasant trip: FR taking in his surroundings, asking questions. Delighted with the cascades. Demonstrated good sense of balance, moves well, no bouncing off walls, climbs well. Turned at the “Bloody Guts”. Exited to an inch of snow covered landscape; snow continuing to fall; very little snow in Lisdoonvarna, plenty at home.
Pat Cronin
23rd November Poulbruíon
13:30. Sunset 16:32. Cloud 100%. Wind E, F4/5: Visibility 15Nm: Temp 13°C: Gauge 46mm: Ground awash: Storm Bert passing: The Plan: install hand winch. CC recently converted the old phone cable drum into a substantial hand winch for the dig. Increased its weight with a rope donated by PMcG. After fifty metres struggling, walked back to the motor, drove along the drovers road, dropped off the winch and returned to park at the Cross. Phaffed about lifting it into position and tightening the scaffold bolt. Winch mounted on the east pole of the frame. Set up main pulley. Another pulley deviates the rope, improving alignment onto the drum. The forty odd metres on the drum will ease changing between direct wind and multiple mechanical advantages. One stemple on site, for southern shoring.
Kibbles 60, Nets 4, Hours 2, (178).
Pat Cronin
27th November Cullaun II
18:00. Sunset 16:28. Cloud 0%. Wind ESE, F2: Visibility 30Nm: Temp 0°C: Gauge 6mm: Ground frozen: The Plan: Trip. FR led to entrance. The Plough bright and clear, and almost horizontal. Entrance stream similar to previous trip. Cascades too; similar volume. Headed up to the old streamway. Chose this route to expand FR’s experience. Nice, awkward, steady trip to the climb. En-route admiring, again, the stunning, translucent helictites: nice. No issues for FR along the old streamway or on the climb: leading out from the pool of Pool Chamber. Passed gritting lorry on the N67, 20:40.
Pat Cronin
1st December Poulbruíon
10:00. Sunset 16:24. Cloud 100%; base 800ft: Wind SW, F3/4: Visibility 15Nm: Temp 9°C: Gauge 4mm: Ground sodden: The Plan: Dig. Met Anne Corrucan; informed MQ in hospital following a fall, helping out a neighbour during the recent storm. On arrival orientated winch to reduce ingress of moisture to internals. PC descended first to prepare the large boulder; back on the platform, showed FR how to configure 2:1 mechanical advantage. FR descended and began filling kibbles. All considered, FR did well: so much to take in to reduce risk and avoid harm. Anchor position required for using a 2:1 system, the rope cover is too long, only need be eighteen inches (500mm). So as to clear the trapdoor lids. Hope to install the south stemples next visit. Ten kibbles filled and one net.
Kibbles 70, Nets 1, Hours 4, (182).
Pat Cronin
11th December Cullaun II
17:00. Sunset 16:21. Cloud 90%. Wind ESE, F2: Visibility 25Nm: Temp 4°C: Gauge 0mm: Ground damp: The Plan: To terminal pitch - exercise. Small trickle at the entrance. Pleasant meander to upstream of Pool Chamber: FR’s previous limit. Followed him through the pool and down the cracking streamway. No complaint about deep water. Without prompt FR traversed where possible, demonstrating agility. Continued impart caving data; listened to and questioned. The pitch taking a decent sized stream. Need take a watch for these evening trips; unsure of time scampered back out. A cracking trip, downstream of Pool Chamber never disappoints.
Pat Cronin
13th December Poulbruíon
14:15. Sunset 16:20. Cloud 90%: Wind WSW, F2: Visibility 20Nm: Temp 9°C: Gauge 0mm: Ground drying: The Plan: fit stemple. Time pressure to fit stemple, and return FR for a Xmas party. PC descended after fitting a 20mm pipe over the hauling rope to check mud migration to rope. Deep joy, being able to send up five kibbles of spoil, preparing south face for stemple, rather than it up for another time. Exposed a clean opening, similar to the upper small rifts: more clean washed than others. Reduced stream audible. Also noted clay changing colour; toward a soft yellow…? Also exposed beginnings of a vertical granular deposit, some 0.1metre wide: sand - small pebbles, within a finer silt. More gaps among the boulders around the shaft perimeter. Deployed level and plumbline, drilled 16mm fixings. Offered up stemple, found 95mm too short: bugger. This area of wall widening slightly. Have two metre length at home. Inspection suggests the granular deposit may become the prevalent. Rope Jammer left on site inoperable from minor rust deposit: brought home, along with the drills left in the tube, each requires maintenance. FR did well, hauling and observing: risk awareness, S.U.D. signalling and methodical hauling process. Position is ready to accept the 1295mm stemple. Plenty of rocks to shift: a big bugger is becoming visible, set up against the western wall. It may weigh as much as 400kgs. Took photo of winch location. Need sort cover for the manway. Thoughts strayed to Caitlín and Aaron down Ease Gill today. Kibbles 75, Nets 1, Hours 3, (185).
Pat Cronin

Fynn Randall posing with the newly installed windlass
16th December Poulbruíon
16:45. Sunset 16:21. Cloud 60%: Wind W, F3: Visibility 25Nm: Temp 11°C: Gauge 10mm: Ground wet: The Plan: complete stemple. Of the cuff trip, as coming week may be hectic. The ten millimetres of rain a stability concern. Took along a two metre tube and tools. Further assessment, cut the two metre length leaving a useful 0.7m. FR did well sending down kit; his command of hauling protocols improving; as is the growing awareness of the dangers during hauling. Minor slump noted; Stemple completed, tightened bolt but will tighten further next trip. FR took a turn below sending up the scatter of accumulated boulders and rocks. Exposing the big boulder further. It does appear big, perhaps use the gads on its exposed bedding edge? Three large boulders need the net, left for next time as FR unfamiliar with its deployment. A fine session. FR relates of another interested individual. Fourth anniversary of the passing of Marilyn Cobbett.
Kibbles 87, Nets 1, Hours 4, (189).
Pat Cronin
17th December Marks Dale, Derbyshire
A quick report on the Pegasus /Goodluck trip to the mine levels in Marks Dale.
The two open levels in Marks Dale are Marks Dale north and Marks Dale south respectively. Malc Scothon and myself had a look into marks dale south and followed the level to its conclusion at the fore field.
The entrance to this level is some what iffy due to being held up by heavily corroded iron rails more of which are still in situ from when the mine was working.
The mine itself is approx 180 feet in length and runs in an almost straight line passing over two small areas of collapse..
Marks Dale north which we also had a look at appeared to be totally run in now about 10 feet from the entrance. No attempt was made to investigate further to see if it was indeed possible to pass due to the deteriorating weather.
A short excursion was made along the track leading up from Marks Dale back towards the Via Gelia but nothing was found.
Paul Wheeldon

Entrance to Marks Dale south adit

22nd December Killeany Townland
Martin O’Loughlin – Paul McNamara _ Jacinta McNamara, (Sister).
Inadvertent - chance meeting with MOL, at PMcN’s place. Enthusiastically granted permission to wander MOL’s land a large piece within Killeany Td. Meaning access to the Owentoberlea River from resurgence to its main sink near the bridge, (ITM516125 x 700436). More tea and talk lead to descriptions of poultaloons in others areas. Spoke earlier in the week with JMcN and PMcN, describing a hole on the family land ‘near’ a Holy Well. Believe the well may be Tobercolman, within Cahermakerrila Townland; SMR CL009-006001, (ITM 517240 x 700215). Once Christmas is passed, will be shown its location. Crackin’
Pat Cronin
25th December Poulbruíon
10:00. Sunset 16:25. Cloud 100%, base 500ft: Showers: Wind SW, F6/7: Visibility 50metres: Temp 11°C: Gauge 4mm: Ground wet: The Plan: investigate boulder. First chance out to play, following two protracted storms and various commitments, among which delighted to meet Martin O’Loughlin. Windswept. Reached the dig, all intact. The vicinity of the tramway awash. Lowered kit, began to scrap around the boulder, leaning at some 80° against the western wall. As silts were cleared the original boulder assumed a much thicker depth: concerned. Applied nail bar, levered away a part, in fact a separate boulder, laying tight against the larger one. Managed roll it out, but not before disturbing some of the northern face; bugger, bugger. At 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.2m = 0.05m², estimated weight, give or take, minimum 100kg. Set about it with the sledge. No luck, the handle a little too long for a decent swing in the shaft. Disgusted, set about the exposed larger boulder, chipped off a bit, which ricochetted off the wall, whistling past the ear. Stacked small rocks on the east side, along with two clay filled kibbles. Ascended, attempted winch up the boulder, no luck. Next time will set up a 3:1 advantage. Removing this boulder has created a depth below the lowest stemple of around 0.6m, (600mm). East, to the right of this hole appears/remains stable. To install the next, (important), stemple will require the large boulder to be removed, at least in part. The hole so created remains to be seen.
Kibbles 87, Nets 1, Hours 2, (191).
Pat Cronin
26th December Killeany Townland, Prospecting.
11:00. Sunset 16:26. Cloud 80%, base 800ft: Wind S, F4/5: Visibility 15Nm: Temp 11°C: Gauge 3mm: Ground water logged: The Plan: Prospecting. Stephens Day. Some 39mm of rain recorded these seven days at Carnane. Took advantage of recently granted permission to wander the area between Killeany Rising and Owentoberlea Sink. Flow beneath road bridge not huge, but notable, particularly when some fifty metres downstream it all appears to sink among undergrowth, need find owner for a look see. Followed river upstream, noting sinks and other sites. One site located upstream of Killeany Rising, with visible passage beyond, above water, among loose rock. But, appears to be just outside the area of permission, possibly not?? Will check asap. Reviewed images of Road Bridge, before and after; illustrating the volume of water flowing from the northeastern valley, from above and below. The contrast quite significant.
Pat Cronin

Road Bridge 26th Dec 2024 minor volume of flow

Road Bridge 4th October 2022
28th December Poulbruíon
09:30. Sunset 16:28. Cloud 90%, base 600ft: Wind SE, F4/5: Visibility 5Nm: Temp 9°C: Gauge 0mm: Ground water logged: The Plan: Dig. Took along more pulleys for mechanic help.
Set up a 3:1, descended and manhandled the boulder into one of the smaller boulder nets Cheg made for Considine’s. Awkward. Ascended, began winching, no movement at all. Dropped back down, released boulder from suction of the mud, held boulder vertical with the sledge. Back at surface, no good. Converted 3:1 to 5:1 at surface and on the boulder. Fortunate to have PMcG’s forty metre rope loaded on the winch. Lift went well, until jamming at the trapdoor. Some phaffing about twisting manoeuvring it through. Hooray. Set it onto the revetment. The very large boulder is better exposed, some 0.8m x 0.6m by increasing thickness, at floor level almost 0.3m thick. Guesstimate boulder could be at least three hundred kilos. None of the surface shows much of a joint to insert a Gad. Worth drilling 20mm holes to attempt split it into thinner flags. Called into PMcN, to ask assistance to access the previously reported hole by the Blessed Well. Turns out MOL owns the area surrounding this well. Drinking tea, MOL arrives. Asked, again, of precise location and land ownership adjacent Owentoberlea Sink, as during visit, noted a gate, which had not be opened in a very long while. MOL confirmed the field closer the bridge is not his, but owned by another family of O’Loghlin’s; without the ‘U’. Pressed MOL to report on any known holes in the future, agreeing he related of a hole in Noughaval. His description fitting that described by two other sources, both referencing German archaeologists in the 1930s. Several of them had entered a ‘hole’. Their progress followed on the surface, by their colleagues listening to regular blasts of whistles…? Years back, 1990s? With Mark Lumley, had spoken to locals, regarding digging a sink at Noughaval, (ITM520476 x 696745), possibly UBSS ref G8? That time the first occasion had heard of the German researchers, and their sudden recall to the Third Reich for military service. They asked the local Priest to store their equipment in the meantime until they returned. Where could that all be? MOL gave directions to the hole at Noughaval, unwilling to accompany PC, just in case forced to go underground? PMcN agreed show PC the hole near the Blessed Well: MOL eagerly granting access: Hooray.
Kibbles 87, Nets 2, Hours 2, (193).
Pat Cronin

30th December St. Mochua’s Church, Noughaval
10:30. Sunset 16:30: Cloud 100%, base 400ft: Wind SSW, F5/6: Visibility 10Nm: Temp 10°C: Gauge 3mm: Ground sodden: The Plan: locate possible hole. MOL had described a hole within the graveyard at Noughaval. Noughaval seemingly translating as “New Monastery”. Searched the environs, came across the grave of Myles Arkins, who owned Cregg Lodge Swallet. Closing it to cavers after Aston Polytechnic C.C. ignored his response that to leave it for a day or two as he several cattle calving in the field. Ban resulting in cavers lights seen crossing the field in the dark...? No sign of an ‘ole, anywhere. The immediate area outside, fields, might repay a look, but would need to ask ‘Big’ Donal as to who to ask permission; it is a big area. Wandering the area around the present church. Bought, and deconstructed from Ballyvaghan, rebuilt 1943. Nothing, absolutely nothing in this enclosure. Need request MOL to show its position.
Pat Cronin
31st December Owentoberlea – Killeany Rising.
12:00. Sunset 16:31: Cloud 100%, base 1000ft: Heavy showers: Wind SW, F6/8: Visibility 5Nm: Temp 9°C: Gauge 23mm: Ground sodden: The Plan: inspect sink near Killeany Rising. Last Trip of the Year. Visited Guthrie’s Risings en-route to see resurging effects; river 0.5m below the base of the northern line of fence posts. F3 well submerged, forestry partly flooded. Parked at the modern track to Killeany Church. River level high. Lowest bar of the field gate, south side of the bridge, underwater by 0.1m. Crown of bridge arch 0.1m underwater, clear significant turbulence emerging downstream from bridge. Stopped by Eoin Howard asking, “why staring at the water under the bridge”? Explained this sector of the Sliabh Eilbhe Project. Passed normal Test… “who do you know” etc. Pleasant time exchanging info: asked him if his Father owns Poulelva. Yep. It seems, from Eoin, another O’Loghlin owns the area through which the river flows downstream of the bridge. Attempted reach Killeany Rising, following track, previously walked track surface almost two metres underwater. Terry Casserly stopped, also enquiring of doings… Headed to southern side of the river, reaching the second field but could not get to the far gate to access the upper area of track; barbed wire fence and extensive flooding the issues. Under gaze of farmhouse did not want to scale fence and wall. Need return and try reach the sink once more. This water level must be very close to entering the sink, near the Church, or perhaps its resurging, this may account for the clean washed appearance?
Pat Cronin

Bridge at Kileany, Upstream