Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January 5th Simpsons Pot
Dave, Malc, Trev, Rick Stanton, Angela (Ricks friend)
Changed in the snow and warmed up going up the scar. Abseiled through - water fairly low - No problems - Dave & Malc went upstream to look at Rowton Sumps - out via valley entrance. This was another trip organised for John but he chickened out as he had flu.
January 6th Heron Pot
Trev, Dave, Malc, Richard S
We had only a few hours for a trip so finally chose Heron - Richard had not done this one before. Clothes left in car overnight still frozen so another cold change. Trev tried to melt the ice in his wet suit with his cigarette lighter! but soon gave up. Uneventful through trip - quickly changed - cup of tea then home!
January 13th Giants Hole
Trev, John, Cath, Rich S & Angela
Good basic trip to bottom and out via Giants windpipe. Water very high in East Canal. All main free climbs now have fixed ropes making the round trip good for novice's.
Cath and Angela both did well but Cath did have some problems with the climbs and crawls. John did well until his bowels gave out at the bottom causing a rapid ascent up Geology Pot. Fairly long trip 4 hrs and snowing heavily on leaving the cave.
Trev managed to set his wet suit on fire at the hut - drying it off. but it did kill all the Rats.
January 20th
Dave, John, Paul
Party feeling in need of a gentle trip following a night at Malc's house, watching caving video's and trying different drinks. Some of the party didn't make it! Malc was left lovingly holding onto his toilet!#
Holme bank Chert Mine
This is now a show mine - gate - open to public April - Oct at weekends - we squeezed underneath gate and had a good walk round - there were a couple of places where the roof was hanging, no one had the nerve to tip toe under, it seemed to be held up by atmospheric pressure. Needless to say - Pegasus bravely went where show parties fear to go!
January 30th George Coopers Funeral.
JRat, Cheg, Paul, Bishop, Mac, Gobby
February 2nd Water Icicle Mine
John, Malc, Dave
We saw a poster advertising the TSG stomp at Freds Cafe Wardlow Mires so arranged a party to have a trip first - party ended up as 3. Straight forward trip - SRT - chips at Bakewell. Freds Cafe looked dead, Stags seemed packed & dead so went to Dev. but just missed Durdy - back to Freds Cafe - Band now playing at 3000 decibels so went into Stags until midnight.
February 3rd Peak Cavern
John, Malc, Trv + 2 TSG
Awoken in Nottm by Trevalarm at 04.10 from the Chapel in Castleton, we eventually set off at 09.30 intending to meet Trev and descend Eldon Hole. However change of plan due to T.S.G. stomp and the usual Sunday romp down Peak. Trev had already set off with 2 T.S.G. members. We decided it might be a bit warmer inside, followed in hot pursuit, caught them up beyond Pickerings Passage. Nice trip into Moss chamber with fine formation. TSG have built dam at end of show cave across Buxton Water - not quite sure of reason. A very well timed trip as usual out just in time for refreshments.
February 10th Peak Cavern
Russ, Phil, Dave, Paul + friend, Stuart
Tourist trip as a few of the party had not been in Peak before. We visited: Buxton Water, Far, Ink, Lake & treasury sumps - and had a look at Maypole inlet dig. This dig does not seem to have changed from our last visit (Feb 84)
February 23rd Penyghent Pot
Malc, Dave, Russ, Phil, Stuart, Dave Gough
Trip started off with a bang literally Dave's E & G & Malc were bombing up the M1 at Sheffield when they had a blow out of the vans front offside tyre. Rest of party met in Ingleton without further incident - had breakfast and Malc dragged us to Inglesport, so he could buy some new boots. Changed at Bradford CC hostel park and set off into the mists of Penyghent - still patches of ice & snow. Arrived at entrance 1.00 pm - we could hear the rushing of water outside the boulder entrance - water very cold & high. Quite an amount going down the dry!! third pitch. Low passage from end of rift passage shows signs of recent flooding. Got down to head of Niagra pitch but considered going further too dangerous. Back at the 4th pitch Dave G set off to prussik up - but due to slipping jammer managed only 30' before coming tired, to make it worse his battery cell came away from the top clip and fell just missing Dave E. Eventually we lowered ladders & made it. We also used these ladders for the 3rd pitch as this was now quite wet. No further problems out by 9.30. Brackenbottom by 10.05 Pub by 10.25. Scantily dressed barmaid at Craven Heiffer Stainforth did not put us off our drink. Tho' it made Malc have a craving for chips.
March 10th Swinsto, Valley Entrance
Dave, Trev, Phil, Malc
Left Nottingham at 3.00pm for an evening trip down Simpson's so 200' abseil rope taken. Plan changed in Bernies as Phil didn't fancy Slit Pot. Good abseiling practice for Phil - Out by 10.30 - so quick change & off to Marten Arms - which we finally left at 12.15.
There was one moment when the rope didn't pull through on the big pitch ! - again! - but the other end pulled thro OK.
March 10th P8
Russ, John Hayes, PAul, Al Steans, (FRED + Paul)
Favour trip for Al who wanted to take two of his running mates caving. Initially there were three, but one had a better idea in the pub. Anyway arranged to meet in the Dev' at 1.00 pm and Al actually turned up on time!! 4 pints later off we went. John Hayes who hasn't caved since falling in Heron Pot was a last minute addition to the party. Straightforward trip although there were literally hundreds of people in the cave.
Al Steans fell from the roof approaching idiots leap but luckily he landed on John H , who has a broad back. 3 hours.
March 10th P8
Russ, Stuart, John Hayes, Phil, John Addison & Richard
Party of keen eyed, athletic, and strong backed sherpa's arrived bang on schedule in the Dev. However the party we were to support (Richard the Diver) turned up late with John Addison. So five pints later the diving was cancelled and we did "welcome back to Peaks" trip John "call me Klammer Addison" Straightforward trip with no problems Sump via crawls 2 hours.
March 22nd Carlswalk
Dave, Malc, Phil
Friday evening trip quickly arranged - in via Eyam Dale Shaft. looked at passages going towards Merlin - then to sumo - Nice easy trip.
March 30th Marble Steps
John, Trev, Dave E, Malc, Phil, Dave G
Party split into 2 at Stink Pot - one to do the intestines route, the other, to do the big pitch. Met at the sump and again at Stink Pot. Fairly wet trip - out by 10.40 made the Martens by 5 minutes *
We planned a trip for Sunday but we arrived at the pot just after a large party (many novices) - so gave up.
* John was happy - as he had rigged to big pitch route without much bother - he was able to find the bolt hole's with bolts!!
April 10th Jug Holes
Paul solo
A short trip through the lower series to experience the joys of caving alone. A slow steady trip which was found to be enjoyable.
April 13th P8
(Martin & Rob ACC) Dave G, Dave E, Malc John, Paul, Phil
After AGM in hut -(Madam chairperson Barb tried to keep in order) fast trip to P8 - cave to ourselves - quite wet - Bens Dig spoil makes a good back up to make a canal. Froth along Miners Rift 10' above streamway. Dave G removed some "red boils" from idiots leap & first pitch. Pegasus stomp held at Railway Hotel Buxton.
April 24th Merlin Mine
Dave E, Dave G, John H, Phil, Paul, Malc
A pottering trip - a good look at natural parts on the left side of the entrance & main rift. We were going down to the bottom but Phil made the pack loose, with the ladder. Ladder rebelayed to hang better, but people weren't happy - shaft OK as long as no one knocks it! We went down 40' shaft at end of Cowlishaw Vein - this according to reports ends just above Merlins Streamway. As air seemed fresh on our last trip - decided to have a look down - Shaft ends in a solid rock, with small draught coming out of crack. Evening completed with trip to Royal Oak in Stoney.
April 27th Suicide Cave
Paul, Stuart
As the main trip turned into a non event and the idea of Perryfoot was abandoned to save face we decided to have a trip down suicide.
A filthy trip not made any better by a grovel in a muddy dig.
May 4th P8
Novice trip specifically arranged for my brother Neil + girlfriend. Cast of thousands assembled in the Dev at 12.30 but unfortunately Neil + girlfriend didn't arrive until 2.30 by which time trip hypothetical impossibility. Music Good.
May 4th Roger Kirk's West Sink
Paul, Phil
We arrived at Ribble head with visions of a nice wet trip through Roger Kirk's Cave. The first ½ hour was spent locating the entrance before changing and bagging the descent. Minutes after entering the cave it became rather apparent that it was the wrong cave. Paul however full of beans (literally) continued almost to the bottom. In all a grotty hole.
This was followed by :-
Runscar 4
A nice walk through trip in wet canyon passage to cleanup.
May 5th Sell Gill Holes
Paul, Dave, Malc (Morning)
A nice easy trip down to the sump and back. We left the ladders down as Dave & Malc decided to abseil down the wet way. Dave brought the ladders out with him and Malc prussiked out.
Diccan Pot
Dave, Malc (Afternoon)
Following refreshments at PYG Cafe - Told it was dry underground so had a go at Diccan - SRT - first pitch rebelayed at ledge 20' down - so missing most water turned back at very wet 3rd pitch - now possible to ab' thro' to Alum & exit Alum.
Upper & Lower Long Churn
Paul, Phil
A slow steady trip through upper long churn where we met up with another party so tagged along Back through upper long churn & down lower L/C as some had not been down before all decided to go through a tight squeeze known as the "CHEESE PRESS"
May 6th Great Douk Cave
Paul, Phil
A pleasing gentle stroll in the water upstream and back again before the Hill Inn.
May 11th P8
Rearranged trip for my brother Neil + girlfriend. THIS time we met:- the hut at 9.30 but unfortunately my brother + girlfriend didn't!
Russell, Phil, Gavin, John (Hayes) Mark (Al Steans brother in law) + Ian had a wonderful trip (3 novices) and made the Dev in time for a sociable pint with Mick Durdy. Music rubbish.
PS Met live shrimp in overflow passage.
May 29th Swan Dyke Pot
Malc, John, Martin, Dave, Phil, Paul
Conducted tour by Martin who helped to dig out the entrance and completed survey.
Entrance down bouldery rift to bend then ladder needed past shoring and a tight squeeze thro' jammed boulders. Cave crosses entrance rift. Downstream crawl over higher bedding plane to rejoin stream along same pleasant streamway & cascades to next pitch best descended by traversing over 1st (wet) pitch to 2nd (dry) . Ends in tight passage which is waiting for NCC to finish off the blasting. Upstream from entrance crawling and streamway leads to 30' aven with stream cascading down - no one volunteered to climb - way out is fairly low + wet to further aven. Airedale CC find - very promising cave- good draught at end and the tantalising sound of falling water!
May 30th Long Kin East, Rift Pot
John, Malc, Dave (Pegasus) + Steve, Martin, Adrian (Airedale CC)
Exchange trip with Airedale CC - swap over trip without incident - impressive main shaft (200')
May 31st Bull Pot, Kingsdale
Martin, John, Dave, Malc, Phil, Paul, Russ
Due to John calculating 20' ladders as 25 ' we were one ladder short, so did not reach the bottom Still a pleasant trip.
June 3rd Swinstow, Valley Entrance
Malc, Dave
Pleasant thro' trip.
Phil, John, Malc, Dave, Trev + Rick Stanton
Camping between Villard de lans & Pont en Royale in the mist of glorious scenery of the Bourne Gorges - camped on a small site near le Baum.
June 17th Gour Fumant
Alt 1208metres
Went in via the 'false' entrance still ice on the floor and the big pitch route - down to the streamway until it got low & horrid - went up into the 'Chinese Dragon' series which is an incredibly decorated streamway and upper bedding cave - all very clean & undamaged. Dave & Rick free climbed out the 3rd & 4th pitches (ordinary route). As we had a late start, we did not get out till 10.30 pm.
June 18th Grotte de la Luire
Show cave in St Agnan in Vercor Show cave is mainly 1 large cavern with huge rift in floor at the far end, This is laddered - whole cave floods after heavy rain or snowmelt. Main passages are 500 metres below the entrance, First pitch is on electron ladder 15 m (60') then scree slope to second pitch of 60 m then a short passage to 3rd pitch of 100 metres (Grand puit) all on a fault/rift we spent some time at the bottom but the way on was beyond the sumps - which dry up in good conditions!
June 19th Grotte Du Gournier
Dave, Malc, Phil
A day of rain! - still the upper cave is safe - marvellous entry, deep lake crossed by dinghy. then climb up wall & up flowstone - A quick visit to the 'pretty 'section. The lower streamway could be heard in places - there sounded a lot of water!
June 20th Grotte de la Goule Blanche
Still raining - so programme altered - all that was safe was Goule Blanche - just a tourist trip on the way home - usually dry passages carrying large streams.
Expedition returned a day early due to bad weather.
June 29th P8
Paul, Phil, Stuart, Geoff
Introductory trip to caving for Geoff.
An easy trip to the sump & back.
July 6th Mohole
John, Trev, Dave , Malc
No one had done before interesting pot turned back on the big pitch as the available belay was poor as we had planned to SRT this we didn't risk it - we had to move a loose boulder at the entrance - as we had some spare time had a look at
Low Douk
Huge entrance cavern with jammed boulder roof - followed the obvious way down which got smaller and tighter with stempled and chocked boulders - till we came to a small chamber where the way on was blocked by a boulder only one person could get to it and the boulder slope not too safe. The boulder was too heavy to move without a lever so came out = someone knocked out a boulder from a choke which made people lower down move quickly!
Supposed to meet Martin in the Marten Arms - gave up at 8.30 - moved to Wharfedale to meet Richard at Hubberholme - didn't appear! Camped at Buckden.
July 7th Pasture Gill Pot
Unfortunately left guide book in Nottm so had to rely on memory - finally found farmer and obtained permission - got to bottom of 160' pitch and was half way along a rift when Eps light went dim - we were not sure at that point whether the way on was a very wet low crawl or a struggle along the narrow rift. We turned back as only 3 of us. Landing for first pitch is on a loose pack - a boulder away from the pack - Altogether a weekend of loose boulders and pots not bottomed but 3 pots that hadn't been seen before.
August 24th Kingdale, Valley Entrance
Dave, Phil, Dave G, Paul
Friday night saw a very heavy downpour - which flooded everything. Sat still showery so decided Master Cave was the best trip. Virtually everything else was too dangerous! Very wet - river high - got into Swinsto final chamber and tried to get up to Rowten sumps but too deep. Whilst having a sit down at Swinstow junction could see the river level rising so came out, other parties later needed rescue.
August 25th Rumbling Hole
Martin, John, Dave, Dave G
Weather much brighter so tried Rumbling - permit held. Still a large amount of water about. Second pitch normally dry but taking a fair amount of water - as tight pitch came out.
August 28th Simpsons Pot
Dave & Frances
Just a final quicky down to sump and back on ladder.
September 11th P8
Dave, Malc, Phil & Friend
(Wed night) mainly to have another look at Bens Dig extensions. Has almost doubled the cave! interesting climb now - good prospects. Talked about it in the Dev after.
September 15th Winnats Head Cave
John, Dave, Dave G, Malc, Phil, John H
To have a look at digs etc. first trip since the boulder-jam had slipped.
September 21st Daren Cilau

Dave, Malc, Dave G, Phil, Jim Reynolds
Small hole in quarry face drops immediately into flat out crawl in a pool. Passage mainly marrow from there and you can only stand up in a few places. Boulder choke drops into descending large passage small pathway taped off.
We went to Worlds End chokes and had a look at the dig in Antler Passage. Incredible formations in odd places a lot of passage is typical Welsh. Dave G took some photo's Camped at Whitewalls.

September 29th Eldon
Actually went near a pothole. J Middlemist assisted by yours truly rescued one small pooch from Eldon hole. Mouse immediately named the dog which was unhurt, Eldon.
Mick Durdey
October 2nd Nettle Pot
Dave G, Dave E, Malc, Jim Reynolds
Evening trip. Had some trouble finding entrance in the dark. Down first pitch and looked along the flats. Out by 11 ish bad timing! Dave G did an Al Steans type trip.
October 6th Nettle Pot
John, Dave, Dave G, Malc
This time Elizabeth shaft . SRT Dave G light failure. WOT no light again.
October 16th Streaks Pot
Malc, Dave, Jim Reynolds, Steve
Bottom entrance and thrutched up to Lu Blue Sump - suprisingly wet. Timed arrival in Royal Oak in Stoney as 5 minutes to 11.00!
October 26th P8
Phil Briggs, John Hayes
We met a lot of people and helped a few damsels in distress. Had a good look around the bits we hadn't seen before and generally enjoyed the trip.
November 15th-17th Ingleton Weekend
John, Dave, Malc, Phil, Paul, Dave G, Martin
All stayed in 4/5 berth caravan all but Dave G arrived Friday night. John, Dave, Phil, Paul & Martin arrived at Marten Arms at 10.15 pm. still in when Malc arrived after 1.00 pm (should read am) finally left at 3.40 am at the caravan Martin decided to do SWINSTOW - but had no takers - so he set off alone up the waterfall walk - John thought he ought to get him see sense - so drove up to Kingsdale - Martin laddered the pitch from roof to sump but got cold so warmed up in Johns car. John was regurgitating his fish chips & beer! so was in no fit state. Martin woke eightish and did a solo down SWINSTOW.
Meanwhile back at the caravan the rest of the party woke at 10.15 and were upset not to see the two explorers! so after a cup of tea the Pegasus Cave Rescue set off - Thankfully we met Martin & John on the way back _ (Weather now raining) - Weather bad until after midday.
November 16th Swinstow
Dave, Malc & Paul
After visits to Inglesport & Daleswear Dave, Malc & Paul set off for SWINSTOW - Very wet river flowing all the way down Kingsdale Had the cave to ourselves exhilerating wet trip to the ledge between the 2 big pitches not a place to linger. Trip leisurely, finally back at the caravan by 7 ish by this time the Pegasus Cave Rescue again set in motion, as Martin expected us back by 6! We daren't go to the pub until 10.00 Next day we decided to do VESPER POT. Fairly late start due to obtaining permission etc.
November 17th Vesper Pot
Dave, Malc, John, Martin, Dave Gough (light problems again)
Small entrance in valley tight at first to dog kennel squeeze to larger bedding streanway some fine traverse passage and two ladder pitches before water deep rift. We traversed along and SRT down to rejoin stream - quickly followed by 90' pitch - quickly followed by 150' pitch which is the same rift as Spectacle Pot. Dave G had light failure again but went back to cars for spare light and caught us up. Out by 5.15 Rest of party starting to get worried.
PS Dave G bought a new battery.
December 8th Peak Cavern
Dave E, Dave G, John
Icy conditions - high water conditions tourist type trip to far sump & Buxton Water Sump. didn't take too long as John wanted an early return for his journey to London.
December 23rd Doolin River Cave
From Tony Jarrat's Log Book 3¼hrs
Arran View Swallett to St Catherine 1
Cheg, Dave, Phil Romford
Fisherstreet Pot was sumped at its bottom so we went in via Arran View Swallett. In the main streamway we went down to Aille River inlet cascades then found our way back up river to St Catherine 1 Swallett in very high water conditions-it being almost impossible to stand in the stream in a couple of places. By the time we dragged ourselves out into the night were fairly knackerd but a lot more sober than when we went in!
December 26th Coolagh River Cave
From Tony Jarrat's Log Book 2½hrs
Dave, Cheg, Phil
Very drunken trip after lunchtime session in O'Connors Bar. In via Polldonough (the normal) entrance. In the region of the Four Foot Pot I became lost from the others who had hurried on in front without waiting for me. They assumed I had gone back out so continued on with their trip to leave the cave via a different entrance. Meanwhile I was completely lost and did not recognise the upstream part of the passage I was in, so I ran/crawled around 500' passage for the next two hours until the others came in via the main entrance again to find out where I was. I definitely was not amused on this trip but I think we all learned a lesson about caving when completely paralytic.

O'Connors Bar, Fisherstreet, Doolin

Christmas Day in Susan Daly's Kitchen. Now Daly,s B+B
December 27th-28th Meregill
John, Martin, Malc, Dave E
Arrived at Ingleton 9.00ish Friday night meeting in the Marten Arms. Very cold. Next morning John took himself to Lancaster Infirmary as he needed his head looking at! Water in cave cold and too much! Aven entrance - used puddles on the floor frozen. SRT out of most of the water but convenient ledges ensured water sprayed about! All got down to bottom, but turned back when the way on meant hands and knees crawling.