Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January 2nd Tunnel Cave, S.Wales
Dave E, Dave G, John, Martin, Rick, Sarah (CSS)
Stayed at Whitewalls. Shuttered entrance shaft of 45' almost leads immediately to 2nd pitch of 25' which lands head of calcited slope which steepens & drops in large rift, way on is by wire rope traverse on RH wall and wire rope down further calcited slop 100' to chamber - way on is traversing on stream passage ledges eventually to drop into Tunnel Show Cave. Poor show cave - large tunnel shaped passage only made interesting by having tableaux of cave men, cavers etc. couldn't get out of show cave without a soaking so came out top way. Only got lost once in traverses.
Pwll Defn
Dave E, John, Martin, Rick
A pothole fairly close to Tunnel, small shakehole drops to 1st pitch 20' - which lands in large square passage with bouldered floor gropping to next pitch. All pitches very close. On 3rd pitch way on is 10' off floor. Final pitch (5) drops in sump chamber possible way off about 20' up one wall - water enters DYO. John had problems on second pitch when his ascender spring broke. 2 interesting trips.
January 2nd Jugholes
Paul, Ruth
We decided to go and look at the bats, but was dissapointed to find only one. Due to a lamp misbehaving decided not to go through lower series but instead have a look round on the surface. We eventually entered the adit entrance and were amazed at the variety and form of the underground ice formations.
January 3rd Maypole Peak
Well since my last right up we have been going into Peak every weekend between floods We have been digging out the same bit of passage 3 times as it kept falling in We are now in the place were we left of along time ago but with a bigger passage. It is very hard work moving the mud down to the pitch into the stream way. We are 48 feet from the face Today we went into Peak Lumbago Walk had 1 foot of air space got to the Great Cave went to Devils Stairs. to find it sumped ½ way down them. Well will wait till tomorrow.
January 4th
It rained in the night still raining now Peak will be too dangerous to go in due to yes you have it too much fucking rain again.
January ?th Beecraigs Limestone Mine
Linlithgow, W.Lothian, Scotland
Quick trip through roomy workings. Reminisent of Dudley Mines on a small scale.
January 24th Sunset Hole
Dave, Malc, Steve, Gary
Set out to do Meregill but party already down - so decided it best to try another pot. We met 3 parties in Sunset but being large & easier didn't really matter.
January 24th Simpsons Pot
Sunday trip pleasant thro' trip water fairly high on Slit Pot. Trip finished at Marton Arms.
January 24th Maypole Peak
Set off into the cave all with belting. I was on the pitch. First time for me for a whole trip. John Cross at the face the rest ferried tubs to me This went very well John did a very well to digfor 12 feet. A excellent bit of work by John and a very good job done by all this day Only 15 feet to go to the beginning Got out of the cave 5.00 4 hour trip. Not too long now Go into Peak tomorrow (Sunday)
J Rat Peak is important to Derbyshire as there has not been much cave passage been found here for a long time with has been long This mit be the dig to go that way Thats why I come out here to this hut to continue with my work in Peak It all doesn't happen outside Derbyshire Thank You for leaving that well put letter will have to show it to Cheg some time.
February 8th Large Pot, Red Herring Series
Martin, John, Malc, Dave G, Dave E, Rick Box
Led by Martin who is the only one to have done this before. First 3 pitches are ladder pitches the 2nd being rather awkward due to tight approach & take off - the pitch top is awkward to about ½ way down when it slightly enlarges. Followed obvious way down some pitches are close, and some rope used (SRT). Needs planning to get gear to 2nd pitch.
February 8th Lancaster Hole
Easgill - County Pot
Martin, John, Malc, Dave G, Dave E, Rick Box, Steve RRPC
John & Martin had a look round Lancaster Hole, the rest did a thro' trip to County - abbed down main shaft, visited Colonades pot - then Fall Pot - kept high to Stop Pot, water high so did dry by-pass & small section of streamway to Eureka Jnct. Met a party who suggested Ignorance is bliss instead of Poetic Justice. Involved more climbing/squeezing/crawling. Joined cave just upstream from P.J.. Had planned Penyghent Pot but overnight rain put paid to that.
March 16th Nettle Pot
Dave E, Malc, John, Rick, Martin
Met at hut - eventually found entrance nearly covered by snow drift. All went down to bottom of Elizabeth. Martin tried another hole in the floor and after some rebelaying off ledges, landed in the same spot!! Tried to get a cup of tea in Castleton, but village was full of tourists.
March 16th Peak Cavern
Russell, Dave Gough, Stuart
Got access by promising to "sherpa" for Buster, and we duly delivered 2 Litres of lemonade for his Maypole outlet dig. Unfortunately the two dunstable lads who were supposed to be digging with him , were delayed by Caroline chatting at the hut and he never made the 11.00 deadline. Therefore the three of us spent 2 hours dragging clay along his N.C.B. belting prior to eloping at tea break.
March 16th Clatterway Levels
Paul & Ruth
Nice entrance adit crossing short blind shaft in floor to a small chamber with 3 ways off one leads to shaft in floor, round corner and dead stop. 2nd goes on forever, 3rd left due to lack of interest. on a scale of 10, -6.
April 4th P8
John, Jim, Trevor, Phil, Dave E, Malc, Dave Cox, Gary
Quick sobering trip after mid-day meet in 'Dev' and A.G.M in the hut. Out just in time for a rush to Buxton for a well organised dinner & stomp at Hadden Hall Hotel. Reunion dinner with 100 seated, followed by a film of 1976/77 Berger Trip. Eric & the Frantics supplied the live loud music. Dave Gough organised the evening.
April 18th Tatham Wife Hole
Dave E, Malc, Frances E
Ladder trip uneventful trip - met two other parties on the way out, as no one was going in.
April 20th Swinstowe
Valley Entrance
Dave & Malc
Set off at 7.30 pm hoping for a steady trip to be waylaid at the Marten Arms afterwards. As it was Bank Holiday conditions were wet - A most enjoyable trip, Only us caving in the area. We were waylaid by the Marten Arms.
April 29th Jug Holes
Dave E, Malc, Dave Cox, Bob
To show the two new lads the delights of Derbyshire Caves - a good poke about in all the corners of the upper system - easy to get lost in the upper passage. finished off the evening with a drink in the Church Inn, Darley.
May 24th Stream Passage Pot - Bar Pot
Dave E, Dave G
As Bradford P.C. had system for week for their winch meet we could get into the system using their tackle, to save the long carry from Clapham. Uneventful trip down stream. Called into main chamber which was impressively lit up by 2 large floodlights. We had intended to go out via Disappointment Pot, but crawl from SE passage to end of Henslers became rather grotty & wet so decided on a drier way out via Bar.
May 24th Diccan Pot
Dave E, Dave G
This was designed as an SRT trip using a 'topo' to keep out of the water. Managed well until last pitch - but (looking back) didn't traverse across top of pitch far enough on last pitch We ended up on a large ledge about ½ way down with no good belay for the last part. Still enjoyable & impressive trip.
June 27th Meregill Hole
Dave E, Dave G, Malc, Steve
Early start as we arrived in Ingleton Friday night weather quite damp. so pot was exhillerating. Pitches could be roped dry - by traversing over pitch heads. A trip of drops - 1 bolt & hanger, a spanner and a glove, no sight of any of them again A slow leisurely trip.
August 16th P8
Trev, John, Dave E
Quick trip? for John to take some glorious photos. However John decided to leave the camera in the car. At the entrance Trev's lamp gave a brief flicker of light, before going out, so he checked the bulbs in the headpiece, breaking the pilot bulb in the process. Oh well, I usually do this without a lamp said Trev. Just inside the entrance, John tried his lamp - nothing! After a good laugh we fumbled our way down to the head of the first pitch, and out again. Certainly early for the pub - in fact we were in the Dev garden ½ hr. before opening. We were meeting Bob at 12.30 pm. (who was late) - so spent more time in there than we should. Went to the hut hoping for a black coffee - but hut empty: John & Trev came all the way from London for this trip.
August 28th Bar Pot - Gaping Gill
Dave E, John, (Rick CSS)
Hoping to find all entrances rigged and go down Stream Passage, Dis or Flood, but only Bar Pot rigged - so went down Bar & out via main shaft on the winch - looked around stream passage area. Quite a wait to come out on winch.
August 29th Rift Pot
(Allotment Area)
John, Rick, Malc, Martin
August 30th Rowten Pot
Martin, Malc, Dave, Rick
Direct route from top, to bridge, traverse along bridge & ledge, then down again for about 10' to swing into rift for rebelay, then direct pitch to bottom of pitch fun to rig & de rig. Excellent trip really had feeling of exposure.
August 31st Swinsto
Valley Entrance
Dave, Malc
Quicky before we went home.
September 18th - 26th 1987 Expedition to France, Jura Mountains
John, (Chief Cook) Martin (Asst Cook) Malc (Meat Eater/Driver) Dave Gough (Assistant Soup Chef.) Trev (Mash lad) Dave Epton (Tackle)
After meeting in a pub Friday night spent the night at Johns house, and set off at some silly hour for Folkestone to catch 8.00 am ferry. Uneventful crossing and after overtaking what seemed like the whole French Army on manovvers arrived at Ornans, where we camped.
September 20th Gouffre du Gros-Gadeau (-112m)
Nice warm up trip, entrance pitch in woods very close to road, so not much walking in the hot sun with the gear.

Campsite at Ornans

Dave Epton & Malc Debbage in Gouffre du Gros-Gadeau
Baum des Creêtes, Malc Debbage, John Addison, Martin Butterworth.
September 21st Baum des Crêtes (-181m)
Superb entrance shaft of 130' into huge sloping chamber, which went down & down - At the Salle des Dolois, you take the way that is not obvious - (ie don't follow flowstone and water down pitches) Eventually came out into roof of the Master Cave 2Collecteur" which needs 39' of rope to get to floor. Downstream soon became muddy and after climbing over a huge breakdown, became low & horrid, and sumped. Upstream became a superb passage of cascade and pools some had to be waded and were quite deep. We turned back at a very recent collapse, quite an amount of loose rock still about. Depth to sump 588' (181m) Entrance slope seemed never ending on way out, with all the tackle. Well worth another trip.
September 22nd Jérusalem
Entrance in Jérusalem Wood Top entrance of Verneau system Pleasant trip soon ending in downstream sump - but pleasant upper passages and streamway.
September 23rd Valle D'Orbe
Malc, John, Dave G, Trev
Party split into two teams. Team 'B' decided to tour Switzerland. After crossing border, seeing this sign 'GROTTES' the car veered off the road and down this small track finishing up in the VALLE D'ORBE. Beautiful spot! Toured round the show cave (magnificent). £2.80 Better value than Giants. Then back on our 'round Switz in a day tour' Arrived back in camp at 7.00 pm to a terrific thunderstorm, which was the start of worstening weather conditions. Mean while team 'A' had been :-
Hoping to go down Gouffre de la Belle Louise, following directions from our guide, thought we had found it, but once in realised we had the wrong one. Entrance pitch of 100' with two ways on one ended in chamber, the other soon became very tight down side of choke & walls. Don't know what we went down!

The stairway and upper gallery in Valle D'Orbe show cave
September 24th Gouffre de la Legarde
Malc, Dave G, Martin
After following the directions in guide book, had difficulty finding a 'petit bois' in a forest. Mature wood taken over in last ten years. Eventually found small entrance. Belay bolt in roof of entrance, pitch opened out & out to give airey hang. Fine last pitch. bottomed and out for tea.
September 24th Grange Mathieu
John, Dave E, Trev
After Pegasus previous trip (19/8/1986) we tried a real low profile entry - we parked in some woods at the back of village, and crept through the undergrowth. We sent Trev on in front, as he was dressed in green (we had our orange suits in our blacK bags) - a bit commando style crawling through the long grass, and we got into the entrance compound - quickly roped from a tree and send John down - he managed to open the gate to the system so we soon followed. Entrance about 80' onto a rubble slope - passage going both ways - very old abandoned passage - no water - there is a metal ladder to reach higher passage spent quite a while taking photo's - Superb formations, perhaps spoilt because they were dry. Quietly left the cave, but saw an old woman when we were leaving!
Hiding the car in a wood whilst changing for the clandestine trip into Grange Mathieu. Martin & Dave G.

September 25th Grotte de Chauveroche
John, Dave E, Trev
Found the entrance easily enough, by trace of mud! Cave mainly large walking passages with the odd mud ducks/low arches through mud. We eventually came to the gour pool passage - (there are 204 gour pools. We set off with the idea to get as far as we could. However we were put off in gour 12? when we had to swim. On the way out met Malc & Martin back from Grange Mathieu.
Whilst talking to team B + two french who had tagged on, a small furry animal walked between us. On checking books later decided that this animal was a marmot. Otherwise uneventful trip. Water in gour pools, which are long - are very cold. Meanwhile team B - Martin, Malc, Dave G. had made an attempt to get down.
Having been briefed by team 'A' we did everything re parking etc to the book, set off towards the entrance not thinking to approach the area 'commando style' we were spotted. About turned back to car but were intercepted on return by Francho Gastarpo who was actually the owner. Couldn't convince him we were sightseers modelling the latest outdoor gear from 'ROHAN' with lights on our hats? Got out of it when DG gave an address and name - Herbert Wolfe!
Set off in pursuit of tean 'A'. Caught up with them in the Grotte de Chauveroche returning from the 12th gour pool, we carried on to the 13th. Back outside washed the mud off in the stream, returned to camp for liquid.
Uneventful motor home.
October 3rd P8
Russ Smith, Glenn & Jamie Smith, J Hayes, Phil Briggs
Glenn (10) first trip to P8 sump & back through crawls - pleasant days meander.
November 21st Rift Pot, Marble Steps
Dave E, Dave G, Malc, Paul
Had a good look round, a number of digs in progress - should be an important junction between Marble Steps and Kingsdale.
November 22nd Hardrawkin Pot
A nice wet SRT trip to clean tackle and suits etc. Pleasant Sunday trip. Nice clean shafts of 90' and 45'