Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January 28th Daren Cilau
Dave G., Hank + 3 from BEC Snablet, Gonzo & ?
With the nick names of our guides the trip would appear to be part of a Walt Disney Production but alas the smiles soon dissappeared. Dave G had only vague memories of the entrance series and had convinced Hank it was a piece of cake, that was before we were destined to be porters for the Resturant at the End of the Universe. On the way in Hank threw a wobbly at the tight 'vice' but was coaxed through by Gonzo eventually arriving at the end of the entrance series after 1 hr & 10 mins.
The hard bit over now for the easy bit! A bit more crawling and squeezing in a boulder choke and into Epocalypse Way, boulder hopping and deep muddy wallows. Arrived at the first and last drinking hole then forward again shortly leaving Epocolypse Way for the route into the main cave, here an 80' pitch slowed us down soon to be followed by two rope pitches back to the stream way.This was Red River Series and more boulder hoping. Eventually called time at the Time Machine. Return journey a little easier with no baggage but then a free for all on the entrance series, this time we added to the inward journey by some 20 minutes after nearly leaving Hank behind in the 'vice' exited to a clear frosty night, How nice the beer tasted in the Six Bells after such a hard trip. Maybe I won't forget how hard the entrance series is next time?

Mud figures at top of the 80' pitch from Apocalypse Now

Hank (on the right) take a breather en route to Red River Series
February 10th-12th Ingleton
Dave E, Dave G, John, Malc, Martin, Jim, Steve, Tony, Rick, Trev (Ken CSS)
February 11th
After walk abouts Sat am team A - Martin, Malc, Jim & Rick went to go down Pasture Gill.
Team B were planning a Swinstowe Trip after some of Team B gave up the idea of caving. The cave was changed to Swan Dyke, thinking we would help dig in the end, where blasting is taking place. By the time we got to the entrance it was pouring with rain, with strong winds. We lost interest and went back to the caravan for a cup of tea. We thought team A would have problems with water. Went to New Inn Clapham and had a pleasant evening - hoping to meet team A there! - however by 11.30 no sign, so went back to caravan - by 12.30 - started to worry, so phoned Barry in Settle, who phoned cave rescue. We got our gear together and set off for Settle - after a cup of coffee, we were pleased to see team A arrive looking a bit cold & damp. Apparently Malc had called out the cave rescue much earlier and they hadn't gone down Pasture Gill anyway. They had gone down :-
Out Sleets Beck
A flooder! - it seems they didn't fancy Pasture Gill if there was a threat of rain, so decided on OSB cave - it was just spotting when they went down. - It was becoming noticeably wetter underground, so the team started to come back, Jim had trouble on the second pitch - the water was taking the same route as the rope. When all up safe found that the bedding crawl was under water - so had to sit it out on ledges until the water went down. Malc first up, had gone to surface and waited, then went back again - seeing the problem exited again & called cave rescue. Wharfedale CR. came to help the team to the surface - tho' we would have made it.
February 12th
Team B had to go to Grassington to collect gear so really after a late night, nothing was done on Sunday except recover.
March 11th Giants Hole
J.Rat, James Cobbett, Jeremy Henley (BEC)
2hr 50
Pleasant trip to East Canal and back.
March 24th-28th Easter
Family holiday in Ingleton 19 of us up for weekend.
March 25th Yordas Cave
A family trip for the kids, 9 of us went in middle entrance to top of cascades - As there already was a team there and they seemed to be messing about. The water levels were high so we decide not to wait, went out same way - and then had a walk around cavern etc. Kids really enjoyed it.
March 27th Heron Pot
Dave, Malc, (Frances, Nicky)
A through trip to finish off the holiday - trip taken in evening. No problems - steady trip. There did not seem to be much enthusiasm for caving on this holiday!
June 17th Swinstowe, Valley Entrance
John, Dave E
Yes only two! Stayed at Barry's house in Settle took trip late afternoon, and had the cave to ourselves - not much water - small stream trickling in was warm. - crawls into master cave were very cold, dustbin entrance now a muddy slope.
June 18th Calf Holes & Browgill Cave
John, Dave E, Barry (ACC), HArvey + dog (YRC)
Another through trip - persuaded Barry to come with us. Harvey took his dog in lower entrance - up to waterfall, which due to dry weather was non existant.
Laddered top entrance - no water flowing in cave.
June 18th Pindale Sough
Quackers & Alan
Conveyor Belt unslotted and some sport personal; had work with only two people.
June 28th Water Icicle Mine
Dave E, Dave G, Malc, Tony, Wayne, Steve
A Wednesday nighter to check on the lads SRT - Met in The Hobbit. Look at all the loose ends in the cave then was out in time for another drink in The Hobbit.
August 6th-9th Yorkshire
Staying at Bradford PC hostel at Brackenbottom - helping Chelsea CC look after a party from Czechoslovakia, - altogether 9 came from Czeh. in an old converted van. The van broke down on Monday evening on the bends at Horton and it took them a couple of days to get it going again.
August 7th Alum Pot, Long Churn & Diccan Pot
John, Dave(E)
John & Dave took two Czehs in Long Churn, and down to the bottom of Alum Pot using ladders - others went down Diccan - only two of the Czeh party were able to SRT.
August 8th Hardrawkin Pot
John, Dave (E), Adrian (London)
After waiting for the Czehs to get their vehicle sorted out we eventually went down Hardrawkin Pot.
Uneventful trip going down, but at the bottom John had a bowel movement, and left a deposit in the cave. The resulting smell meant a very quick exit from the cave. Perhaps it was the beer from the Hill Inn!
August 9th Old Ing Cave
Party of 6
A day of rain - it poured,. Eventually it eased off so we did two exciting trips.
Normally an easy cave, but after a days heavy rain, was an exciting trip - needing some delicate traversing to keep out of the deep water. Needless to say someone fell in. - Also nearby :-
Calf Hole/Browgill
What a change from June this year The waterfall into the entrance obscured the bottom - The water in the cave was flowing fast, and moving boulders along the floor. The waterfall chamber was a deafening place to be, but the spray/wind meant that you didn't stay long. A most interesting trip especially soon after 17/6.
August Bank Holiday Heron Pot
August 31st-September 12th Dordogne France
Several sites in the Dordogne France, mostly diving, excellent training ground for longer sumps. La Rossau, Font del Truffe, Fontaine St. George, Recommended.
Pat Cronin
September 9th Jack Pot/P8
Dave G, Dave E, Malc, Liam Gough
We had been told that the dry weather meant that sump 1 was about drained. It was an early Sunday trip but soon caught up 2 parties. 1 party was a team of divers with an enormous pile of equipment - We were able to leapfrog them at the 1st pitch. No water flowing in cave after 2nd pitch. Sump 1 was completely dry two low crawls under flakes led up a slope to an inclined rift chamber with formations in the roof, a steep slope led down again to a pool of water which gradually deepened, and went round a corner - a lowering airspace & cold water put us off further advance. There was a great amount of silty gravel. Finished off the trip in the Dev.

P8 low water at 1st sump. Note the divers lines attached to stalactites
October France, Jura Region
Report by John Cross, see Newsletter No.3 New Series.
October 14th White Scar Cave
John, Malc, Dave E, Dave G, Rik
Met in the Craven Heiffer Friday night.
After the usual decision making we eventually decided upon White Scar - the manager said the water levels were high and suggested we have a look in the cave, and see. We all had a free trip in the show cave on our own, and decided that £3.00 each-for an extended trip too much & not really worth it, only two had wet suits - We then went off to the Hill Inn to think up plan B. - In the Hill Inn car park, there seemed to be ½ of ULSA freshers waiting for trips all in the caves of Chapel le Dale - they all seemed to be in fancy dress, so that was another area out, eventually we decided on
Bull Pot of the Witches
Guide book not really helpful, but we found our way to the downstream sump, and all thought it was an enjoyable trip. The other passage from the entrance pit was also looked at, very impressive sized passage.
October 15th Hagg Dyke
An early pack up and across to Wharfedale for Hagg Dyke a system only opened up this year (1989), entrance by the Shatter Pot. 50 ft entrance pitch drops into a chamber with loose rocks on ledges etc. - we went upstream first. The streamway led, after a couple of cascade pools, to some superb passage, with the walls very well decorated by eratics & helectites - there are also some fine flowstone's - decorations still unspoilt. eventually passage leads to large collapse cavern with three inlets - by climbing up to right, & up flowstone climb we got into roof which had an excellent display of straws many over 6' long - photographs taken. Dave had earlier dropped his camera, and those he "took" failed to come out, Malc & Dave E then left whilst the others explored downstream - sumps still being sorted out, and digs & leads being followed. An interesting pot.
October 27th-29th Alston. Cappleclough, Small Clough & Rampgill
Cheg Chester, Nigel Burns, Pat Cronin, Dave & John Gough + others
a repeat of the original through trip of several months before. nice one Cheg.
Pat Cronin
November 11th Carlswark Cavern
Ken James, Pat Cronin
Pleasant 2 hours ferretting about.
Pat Cronin