Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January ? Ogof Dreanan
Dave, Cheg, Pat, Nigel, Barry , Ceily and maybe others
An early start on Saturday for a rendezvous at the Little Chef in Gilwern. Ran into rain at Raglan which gradually got worse as we approached the Welsh valleys.
After breakfast set out for the high tops and the cave. With the increase in height came the wind which blew away the enthusiasm to get changed. With the surface streams in spate we changed our plan and set out for 'Big Pit' the Welsh coal mining museum which was located in the next valley.
January is the month of maintenance and only pre booked trips were available so we set off for Bristol! Alas although the journey across the bridge would have been free, it had been closed because of the high winds and a lorry which had been blown over. We retreated to Chepstow to seek an hostelry.
A later attempt at the free crossing proved successful and after a grand feast at Pat's the activities continued in The Swan with Two Necks. Pat fell over in a large puddle on the way home when he attempted to 'jump the sump' the only caving achieved in the weekend.
February ? Forest of Dean
Nigel, Pat, Cheg, Dave, John Cooper, Barry & Ceily
Another wet weekend. Nigel and Pat had camped in the Miners Arms garden on Friday night and found his shoes missing in the morning. The pub opened early on Saturday and what better way to spend time whilst waiting for Barry and Ceily.
Made a visit to a stone mine and visited a coal mine adit but John had stayed at the Miners enjoying the quaint environment.

Helping Ceily in a Forest of Dean Mine
After fish and chips for evening meal we returned to the Miners to find John a little worse for wear. He gathered his tent and sleeping bag from my van and set off to the garden to have an early evenings sleep. He was later found in the middle of the Pub lawn wrapped up in his tent. Meanwhile we celebrated Nigel's birthday with a cake.
On Sunday a look around the forest before returning home.

Sunday in the Forest
Christmas Ireland
Pat, Pauline, Cheg, Aileen, Martin, Sue, Dave & Nigel
Having spent several Christmas's at Nenthead we returned to Doolin, 24 years after the original expedition. O'Connors is still there but much larger now. The tourist industry is in overdrive with new developments and wall to wall B&B, what a change the music in O'Connors bar has brought.

Christmas Dinner is served with Cheg Chester, Pat Cronin & Nigel Burns

The kitchen staff, Ceily & Barry Sudell

Martin Bishop
Why there is no written record available of the many other trips enjoyed by the club in 1995 is at present unknown. A photographic record could exist, can you help fill in the missing trips?