Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
Pegasus Weekend
Friday night at the Three Stags Head,
everyone; drunk-ed.
Cobbet sings an known contata,
whilst Nicolson delivers an Uchi Mata.
Pub it shuts and we depart,
back to the hut for another start.
Bottles come and bottles go,
the ale streams down in an endless flow.
When ale is drunk we soon retire,
to the sound of spewing by the fire.
Night is long and full of hisses,
as in his bed a student pisses.
In the morning tales of woe,
as off to Priddy some must go.
Simon lays in a pea green stupor,
hardly the colour for a “caving gluper”
Chester rises full of beans,
head is splitting at the seams.
Og stands there at end of tether,
with sleeping bag without a feather.
Now at last the rest awake,
and get dressed up to do P8.
Seven go in and seven come out,
but one of them is in much doubt.
Out in time for a closing gill,
and for a wash at Litton Mill.
Tea is had and off for a swim,
to see Sarha's figure kept in trim.
Harold's there and dives he makes,
getting in trim for his nights Corn Flakes.
Off for pop at Ernie's den,
and back to hut for sleep aga’n.
Sunday morning comes once more,
“Come caving Peter, Runaway Paul!”.
Alan Eaves 1970
Explanatory Notes
This poem was written by the late Alan (Sneaky) Eaves and refers to a Pegasus weekend at the hut from Friday, May 8th to the 10th 1970. The Friday night was Cheg Chester's piss-up before leaving on another tour of duty in Cameroon. See logs here.
It was discovered by Alan's Partner Patricia in 2020 who says "I came across the poem whilst sorting through 'His Lordships' keep safes". Many thanks Patricia for passing it on to feature on the website.
In Pegasus speak, going for a Glupe was going for a dive.
"Simon" is Simon (The Admiral) Howes.
"Og" is Janet Chadwick, Barrie Parker's then girl friend, later wife.
"Off for a swim" The Club was hiring a private swimming pool at a hotel in the Hope valley for diver training.
"Harold" is Harold Lord and Sarah was his partner. It appeared that Harold only ate cornflakes which the club considered would not give him sufficient energy to keep the lovely Sarah happy.
"Ernie" is Ernest, the landlord of the Devonshire Arms, Peak Forest.
"Runaway Paul" is Paul Smith who had only one trip with The Club and departed leaving his farewell note nailed to the hut door. See Here.
A copy of the original document is shown below.
Cheg Chester.