Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
Mine Workings within the Parish of Elton, Derbyshire
The following articles concerning the mine workings beneath the village of Elton, Derbyshire, represent a culmination of years of research work conducted by a diverse group of dedicated people involving, Web/library/Archive/Local Searches, Surface Topography, Mine Exploration, Underground Surveying, Photography, Practical Conservation Work and information gleaned direct from local village knowledge.
Those individuals, Clubs and Associations known to have participated are named below in Acknowledgements but I am sure that there are many who have helped but names either forgotten or not recorded at the time and therefore lack mention, sorry for that.
I hope that the articles prove of historical value and perhaps generate sufficient interest to prompt yet more information and hopefully photographs to come forward for future inclusion.
Need to add total distance surveyed, Private land thanks to land owners etc

An overlay on the OS 25inch map showing the currently known extent of accessible underground mine workings within the Parish of Elton, Derbyshire.
Part 2
East from Raithe Shaft to Stevens Shaft & Yatestoop Sough
Part 3
Cowclose Mine
Details of the initial exploration of Cowclose Mine and Sough by The North Staffordshire Mining Club and the Survey produced by them.
Part 4
Fire Engine Shaft
Part 5
Fishers Portaway Mine
Part 6
The winch